Monday, December 1, 2008

"Do you think the other ones know he's white?"

If you go to UT you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. None other than the most highly sought after creature on campus...the albino squirrel. For a semester and a summer I looked for this furry creature, obsessed about seeing it and even forced a friend to constantly show me a picture of it as proof of its existence. Well it does exist and it took me 1/3 way into the Fall semester to see it on Whitis. It is adorable and I think seeing this UT phenomenon is something every student should put on their "list of things to do before I graduate" along with being promiscuous in the library (which has been on my list since...freshmen year and is still on there). Anyways the squirrels, they are so adorable but very crazy. The bums feed them shrooms most likely and the students feed them anything, well they will eat anything you give them. Walking down Whitis, (the location of the original sighting), with my french classmate we noticed a particularly plump squirrel eating a nut. And it wasn't just one. The adorable campus creatures are preparing for the winter by putting on the poundage as we are with our scarves, vest, turtle necks and North Faces, not to mention the ever so popular Uggs. Winter is finally here, yay!

1 comment:

The Happiest Activist said...

I'll get frisky with you in the PCL, baby, anytime....